Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

The severity of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms varies on every person. Some people have only one or two symptoms, while others have more symptoms. But according to the site, GAD is diagnosed when a person has a lot more days with hard feelings control concerns compared with days he had not experienced it, at least six months and have at least three symptoms in adults or one symptom in children.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Here are generalized anxiety disorder symptoms:
Emotional Symptoms
Behavioral Symptoms
Physical Symptoms
  • ·         The constant worries
  • Felt could not stop the worries. 
  • The minds of bother about things that cause anxiety; sufferers try to avoid thinking about them, but he could not 
  • Cannot tolerate uncertainty, sufferers feel should know what will happen in the future 
  • Feeling pervasive of fear 
  • Trait irritability 
  • Couldn't relax, enjoy some quiet time, or be self
  • Hard to concentrate or focus
  • Putting off everything because it feels weighed down
  • Avoid situations that create anxiety
  • Feeling uptight; Have the muscle tightness or pain
  • Trouble sleeping or fall asleep because the mind does not stop
  • Feel restless
  • Stomach problems, nausea, diarrhea
  • Easily tired 
  • Dizziness 
  • Fast heartbeat, fast or irregular (palpitations) 
  • Shaking or trembling 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Headache

  Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms in children 

Children and teenage with GAD often do not realize that their anxiety is abnormal, so important for the adults to recognize the symptoms of GAD in their child or teen. several generalized anxiety disorder symptoms in children are (basically the symptom in adult):

  • Concerns about the situation in the far future
  • Perfectionism, excessive self-criticism, and are afraid to make mistakes
  • Feel that they are to blame for a matter, 
  • The belief that misfortune could be contagious and will overwrite them
  • Often need to be reassured and approved


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1 Response to "Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms"

  1. Thanks for sharing this great article. Great information thanks a lot for the detailed article. That is very interesting I love reading and I am always searching for informative information like this.


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