What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is one type of anxiety disorder characterized by the whispers, thoughts, images, feelings, or anxieties that encourage the sufferer to repeat something continuously.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder consists of three words: obsessive, compulsive and disorder. It can be said that obsessive compulsive disorder is a disorder that includes two elements: obsession and compulsion:
What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

  • Obsessions: ie whispers, images, panic, unpleasant anxiety and appear repeatedly in the mind. This obsession arises out of nowhere and the patient can not control it. Patients feel very disturbed by the emergence of this recurring obsession, he tried to expel and eliminate that annoying whisper or mind by doing something repeatedly. Indeed, the sufferer will feel relieved after doing something repeatedly but the relief only comes for a moment. After that, the obsession will reappear again and again maybe even this obsession is stronger than before.
  • Compulsions: ie repeating activity continuously as a result of obsession. Examples are like checking whether the door is locked or not yet but checking it not once or twice but more than three times because the obsession comes up again and again and encourages the sufferer to go back to check the door even though he should have known it was locked. But he still had to check the door again to make him feel good.

People with OCD live in exhaustion and suffer greatly. He finds it difficult to feel at ease and calm because his mind is always obsessed and it makes him feel uncomfortable. She went to great lengths to spend hours every day doing repetitive rituals that she did not really want to do and it made it difficult to get regular daily activities. In fact, he will also waste something extravagantly for example if he washes hands constantly then he will be wasteful in the use of water and soap.

If you suffer from OCD, I suggest you do not care about the whispers or negative thoughts. You do not listen. Just do something based on the correct and normal procedure not based on unreasonable thoughts. If it is necessary to repeat something then you can limit it up to three times. If it's more than that, do not do it. If there is a disturbing thought of obsession, do not take it for granted. Do not let OCD make you lazy to do positive activities such as washing hands or checking the door because you feel already fed up doing it all. Just do it properly without having to over-repeat it excessively.

Or you can contact a psychologist or psychiatrist for help.

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